Some states not using optimal capacity for conducting RT-PCR tests


Some states not using optimal capacity for conducting RT-PCR tests

Current Affairs :The Union Health Ministry on Thursday said the ideal limit of the RT-PCR tests for discovery of COVID-19 isn’t being used in somestates and that ithas requested that they scale it up. 

“There are states where the ideal capacityof RT-PCR off late isn’t being used and we have in the wellbeing service drawntheir thoughtfulness regarding the way that they do havean introduced limit of leading more RT-PCR tests and thus they have to scale it up,”Rajesh Bhushan, Secretary in the Union Health Ministry, said at a press instructions on Thursday. 

Over the antigen tests beingcarried out in the nation, Bhushan said thereis no uniform practicebeing followed over the states. 

In Tamil Nadu more than 90 percent tests today are RT-PCR tests while there are different states where the RT-PCR testing, TrueNat and CBNAAT testing limit is restricted, he said. Accordingly in those states if there are control zones or cushion zones, one can’t be happy with restricted testing, he pushed. 

“The ICMR’s rules plainly set out that quick antigen tests are ideal screening tests for thickly populated zones, regulation and cradle zones,so why not use them there,” he said. 

Total tests for location of COVID-19 flooded to 4,55,09,380 in the nation with a record 11,72,179 tests being directed in a solitary day on Wednesday, the service stated, underlining that “India’s day by day testing numbers are one of the most elevated on the planet”.

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